Belly Chain

Posted by: Dojo

Jan 14, 2013

When I was with my ex BF, I posted some pics to this site occasionally because it turned us both on for him to see my pics here. I took these pics and planned to surprise him by posting them as a Christmas present. I am wearing the belly chain he gave me as he found it sexy. I also planned to give him some other pics that were more explicit and showed my face. But sadly, we broke up right before Christmas. I still miss him but I'm trying to move forward. And, it's his loss because I was a supportive, loving and not to mention, hot girlfriend:-) So, I thought, what the heck? I'll post pics anyway because maybe some other guys will appreciate them:-) Hope you all post nice comments and vote for me!

Recent Comments for Belly Chain (67)
  • Edible!
  • You have a nice body except for the fake boobs
  • Wow!
  • Damn nice implants!!!!!!
  • Absolutely stunning 're not hot, you're SUPER HOT!  Your ex-bf was a schmuck to let you get away
  • superb+++
  • Definitely his loss!! Thank you Dojo! You are absolutely stunning! Scubacop869@yahoo
  • Stunning!!!
  • i would love to have some privat fun with you cumm trade with me some spicy pics gr8shag69@
  • Gorgeous!! What was he thinking!?! Keep up the amazing work. If you wanna share @
  • Such a exceptional beautiful girl!? Your BF must be a foul! Can you send me a few pic of your singular superb body and boobs as well?
  • wow thank you very nice love more tomlstra@
  • Oh you are definitely appreciated ! You are smoking hot !! His loss for sure ! Keep your head up - I know you got mine up.
  • What the eff was he thinking?
  • Great tits?????? FAKE PLASTIC TITS. POOR


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