I totally agree with 'Tenron' ... I JUST DURTY GILS ... time to hit my outdoor shower and portable hottub I have always at the ready on my road trips for beauties like U!!!!
Your wife's breast are perfect, love the shape and those fine nipples. It really turned me on thinking about showering with such a fine woman. Nice ass too.
Fantastic shots and thanks, keep posting I am looking forward to seeing and hearing more from you.
Ralph T
vwfan1966 @ yahoo . com
arthurian555, Well I’m sorry to say that I am not whoever this guy is and WE are a couple in west Texas. I work in the oilfield and she manages the little Rv park we stay in. There are no smoke and mirrors here. We are hardly even amateur as a matter of fact. This was the first post anywhere for either of ;
Meteorman, I see. No we are deff not that guy. We finally decided to start posting and now she is hooked. The mud shoot just kinda happened aaaaand we didn’t look before posting to see that the mud thing was kinda played out. She had fun though and that’s all that matters!
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Dirty Fun (Part 1)
Posted by: Baby Squirrel
It’s hot in the desert so she decided to have some fun in the mud.