Mrs_T and Her Breasts

Posted by: Mrs_T

Apr 17, 2014

Recent Comments for Mrs_T and Her Breasts (18)
  • So sexy topless lady! I want her yummy big tits and hard nipples!
  • You're welcome, "; What it simply comes down to is that there's no reason for people to write these mean-spirited things. If they don't like a post, just move on to the next post. I have a simple philosophy--one shared by almost all educated and intelligent people; all women deserve respect. I just don't think that is that hard a philosophy to wrap one's head around.
  • I love your stomach and you have such a pretty face! Your so beautiful what a sexy body you have! Your perfect head to toe! I would love to see more of you and trade! Email me at jeremyrgee@ your so gorgeous! What a body
  • Thank you and Cheers to you daninhbg!
  • This is not sexy, nor erotic. Please don't post anymore.
  • At no point does anyone here attempt to mandate that you COMPLIMENT her, "; However, most of us believe that there is no reason to INSULT her. Everyone here who had a mother heard these words of wisdom; if you don't have anything nice to say, then say nothing!" We're not going to convince you that every woman deserves your applause or compliments . . . but EVERY woman deserves respect or, at a minimum, your silence.
  • If you compliment her, then compliments mean nothing
  • You hit the nail on the head, "; The people bashing the women here NEVER post pictures of their women. Of course, you can't post pictures of imaginary or fictional beings. Don't ever allow the bashers to effect your decision on posting pictures. At least you HAVE a woman . . . all they have are their insults and bitterness.
  • and what have you posted on here mr_fingers? by the looks of it not a damn thing so piss off,
  • And what makes you say that Mr_Fingers. B/c she's not as skinny as you like. So then what only make women who weigh less then a soken wet paper bag should post pictures. I don't think so if you have a problem with the pictures I post of my wife then don't look at them.
  • And what makes you say that Mr_FingersjQuery110206496242361608893_1397815070714? B/c she's not as skinny as you like. So then what only make women who weigh less then a saoken wet paper bag should post pictures. I don't think so if you have a problem with the pictures I post of my wife then don't look at them.
  • Not 1 ounce of pride!!
  • Hey, "zabid1azole," if that's the case, why not listen to the advice I'm sure your mother gave you a long time ago . . . if you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing. You don't HAVE to post an insult.
  • poor your my hero to take her on
  • Great titties. I want to shoot cum all over them.


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